Online Coaching and Training

Niki Loe
Niki is currently offering her wonderful personal training sessions via zoom . Also her unique Flow classes which blend the different worlds of yoga, Pilates and 360 degrees of movement, exploring the core, building strength and mobility.
Niki is also available for holistic, naturopathic wellness consultations, and nutrition consultations.
Greg Pain
Greg has developed some brilliant core classes and he has also developed some amazing Pain Protocol online courses. Greg is still here for a 1:1 virtual session if you need more individualised coaching as well.
Ash Damini
Ash has designed an awesome Yoga zoom classes. These classes are a bit special as it's in real time and not only can you see her, but she can see you too!
Ash is doing motivating online sessions as well.
Alice Mc Onie
Alice is running a range of different classes online throughout lockdown and level 3. She brings loads of energy to every session and will keep you motivated through the 30min workouts. Alice is also available for exciting and challenging online sessions during level 3.
Natalie Skinner
Natalie is continuing with her motivating personal training online, tailoring for any age. Currently her age range is from 8yrs to 88yrs.
Jaimee Sabin
Jaimee is offering her fun and challenging personal training sessions online. She will create the perfect session for you adapting to what time and equipment you have.